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Position:Home>Genealogy> I'm trying to make a family tree.But every site I go to wants me to pay for it.D


I'm trying to make a family tree.But every site I go to wants me to pay for it.Does anyone know of a free site

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are you asking for an online gedcom for your use to construct your family tree? I made mine on the free trees at Still there, still public, still free. All it "cost" was a login name and a password.

Some of the benefits are that my research is all backed up onto their servers, impervious to my disk failure or any natural or unnatural disasters. Being online means I can work on it anytime, from anywhere. Being public means anyone can find anyone on my tree, and contact me by email.

If you didn't make yourself clear and it's historical resources for your specific ancestors that you expect to find not only online but free, I'm curious how you think that would magickally occur.