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Position:Home>Genealogy> Would it be too strange to contact my grandfather I've never met?


Would it be too strange to contact my grandfather I've never met?

Sooo I was studying my ancestry, which is difficult because my biological father is estranged from us and from what I know, his father was estranged from him long before that. Anyway, I came across his father, my grandfather, and he lived a fascinating life as an author and I really enjoyed reading about him and his work and I found his address. I thought about writing him a letter and maybe sending him a pic of my brother and me but I'm hesitant because I don't want to freak out this 80 year old man but maybe he would appreciate it? I feel strange reading all of this stuff from him and seeing his picture, but he has no idea about me.

What do you think? Just keep it to myself or try to contact?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i would write him a letter. im sure that sounds scary but thats what i would do. the best things in life often cost the most. maybe you could start the letter as an adoring fan. salting it with hints of who you are, then tell him in the middle. tell him how much you admire his work and, if he is willing, that you want to call or meet him. he may reject you, and that would be terrible. he may not. he may have regrets about whatever caused the estrangement between him and your dad, but you will never know unless you make him aware of you. he just might welcome you with open arms. it would do an old man good to have his family back.
skydiver36c makes a good point. my aunt was a first cousin of johnny carson (the tonight show). showed us pictures out of her mothers family albums of johnny carson and his dad her uncle and her as well as other family memebers. told us stories of what they did as kids, family functions, etc etc etc. she knew this guy as a kid then the whole anti semetic thing in wwii happened and she never saw him again. saw other cousins but not him. she got up the nerve to write him a letter when she was about 75 or so. he shot her down as a gold digger. broke her heart. i tell you this not to discourage you but to make the point that it may not go as you like, but you have to try. if you do not try then you will regret that you didnt for the rest of your life. regret is a terrible thing. take the chance you may find something wonderful.