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Related to Charles " The Hammer" Martel????

My great uncle has been doing the family tree for many years now and has determine that we were related to French royalty hundreds of years ago. My family surname is Martel, which is French, and I have looked some things up on the net to see what I can find. I found Charles the hammer Martel who became king and I am wondering if it is possible that this is the royal family he is referring to. I do not know of any other Martel families in french history that were of royal blood. The family has had a falling out and we do not speak to him anymore so I am wondering how to go about getting info on this and researching it further.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does a family "falling out" necessarily include you and imply permanent? What would you have to lose to ask him for help with your new hobby?

A question many of us oldies have in mind is what will become of all our files and library accumulated in genealogy research when we're gone - or going. Who can we give all that Stuff to that would appreciate it?

There's no guarantee his research is accurate either, so you'd get all the benefit of his guidance AND a fresh set of eyes and brain following through the research with.