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Making a Family Tree Online?

I would like to make a family tree (just for the fun of it) but I don't know which sites offer easy and free usage. Also i want it so that I have a lot of flexibility like cousins, aunts, and uncles, and that kind of relatives. Not just kids parents and grandparents. Remember what i want should be free not a "free trail" kind of thing. Thank you so much in advance.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are lots of sites. Now information in family trees on any website must be taken as clues not as fact as most is not documented. Even if you see the same information over and over by different submitters a lot of copying is being done.

Rootsweb and are both free sites. Ancestry.Com has lot of records and is obtaining more all the time. It is possible your local public library has a subscription to Ancestry.Com that you can utililze.

However, before you start get as much information from family as possible, particuarly senior members. Tape them if they will let you. What might seem to be insignifcant ramblings and story telling might turn out to be very significant.

Now, on any of the family trees, they normally don't show living people due to identity theft. Ancestry.Com will show any living person born after 1930 as, i.e., Living Smith. However, there are message boards for surnames and for location. If you post one on Ancestry.Com's it will be on Rootsweb and vice versa. Genealogy.Com also has message boards.

Also call your nearest Mormon Church and find out if they have a Family History Center. If so, they will have lots of records on people all over the world. I have never had a Mormon missionary come ringing my doorbell because I availed myself of their services.

Also Cyndi's list will give you lots of websites.