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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know anything about the ESPE name?


Does anyone know anything about the ESPE name?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Several persons are "working" it, or know persons with it, since the name does show up in many files at
Among the files on the first page (didn't go through all pages), there were notes regarding the person being born in Norway, and died in the US.
That is NOT a guarantee that this means your family came from Norway, just that someone has worked it back to there. I would also want to be sure that it is not originally spelled Espy.
In order to be sure of your own line... the accurate way is to trace your ancestry back to the immigrant ancestor, and find where they immigrated from (or were born). One of the rules in genealogy 101 is that not everyone with the same last name is always related. Nonetheless, you can check those files, and perhaps you will run into your own line. Normally those files will not (and should not) include persons who are living.. so you need to work back on you at least a few generations.