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If my greatgrandfather was an genius?

if he was a genius what are the chances that my children will get that gene? because i know that neither of my aunt and uncles got it and either did any of my sister or my cousins or my self got the gene. and could this gene even be passed down? my greatgrandfather was certified to be a genius and was also a doctor.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Genius isn't necessarily genetic. There are so many variables when it comes to intelligence--health, environment, exposure to stimulating information, innate curiosity, and more. Also, what makes genius isn't really known; genius and autism, for instance, are often found in the same family--or in the same child. The best thing is to play the cards you've been dealt. Determine to be a lifelong learner, and read everything you can, believing nothing without credible sources. IQ is also variable. It can be increased and decreased, and it is often based largely on language--a tough go if your area of strength is math or spatial concepts or interpersonal relations, etc. A kid with a high IQ who skates through classes is often not as good a student as one with a lower IQ who works his buns off to learn.