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Position:Home>Genealogy> Why, I can wonder, do we have godparents?


Why, I can wonder, do we have godparents?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I believe it is a Catholic practice, and did you know that the god parents would get custody of the child if anything happened to the parents? That is the reason for godparents, this way no matter what the children would be taken care of. Maybe because they had allot of diseases in the olden days, this was one way to look out for the children. I think in the day the people used family members. But now people use their friends for godparents but I do not think they realize if it were to go to court for custody of the children the godparents would probably win, that's the kind of responsibility you take on as a godparent. I hope I helped you. Good Luck & Aloha