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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where can I find children's family tree books?


Where can I find children's family tree books?

I am looking for a book for ages 4-8 about family trees. My cousin's daughter lives with her in Florida (most of us are in Ohio), and we have a very large extended family. After recently visiting us for the first time, I would like for her to be able to 'sort out' her relatives. I have found a few online, but wondered if anyone has actually used them and has any feedback about which ones are easiest to understand and most useful.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is the first place I'd contact.. many bookstores in Salt Lake will be LDS oriented, and family history is a major part of their theology. I'm not LDS, but I imagine that if you drop them a note, they would be courteous to suggest something for you that would fit your needs.