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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do i trace my Irish ancestors in the Bronx NY 1856-99?


How do i trace my Irish ancestors in the Bronx NY 1856-99?

I had a grand-aunt name sadie or sauvy conners, she went to New York the Bronx, she married and 2 of her daughters were nuns 1x sister of mercy Sister Dymphia & 1x presentation sisters Sister Rita, there was also a son he was a Sheriff. her sisters were Margaret, Mary she was my grand-mother married william kelly, all are from cork city (south side) Ireland

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you can find the mother house for each of the nuns, you'll literally hit the genealogy motherload.

When a woman enters the convent, she has to fill out extensive paperwork on herself and her family. It includes the most beautiful collection of traceable information, including the name of the parish where they were baptized, the name of the parish where their parents were married...and in my experience it also includes a nice biography of the candidate and her family. I've seen some MAGNIFICENT biographies that are 10-20 pages long from the Sisters of Mercy and the Dominicans. In addition, the "family card" kept by the order keeps track of every member of the biological family...birthdays, weddings, children, and deaths.

The most beautiful part of the records kept by the Church of Rome is that they never throw anything away. All you need to do is track down the right convent and find the sister who maintains the order's archives.