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Where do I begin creating a family tree?

I'd like to learn more about my Irish roots. I know my grandmother's maiden name is Irish and that's basically all the information I have. I don't know where to begin! What is the best way of uncovering more info on my background?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First and foremost, start with the people who are living. Find out what they know. Talk with aunts and uncles, cousins, and so on - anybody who is part of your family. Get dates, locations, names, memories, stories - it's ALL important. Find out what they remember about people who are no longer living, too. Put all your information into a database that will help you organize it. The Mormon church offers a free one, "Personal Ancestral File," that you can download from their web site (they won't bug you in terms of their religion). Once you have included as much as you can from people who are living, start to search online sites, records, etc., for matching people and events. Computers have revolutionized genealogy in the last two decades, and there are ENORMOUS amounts of data available, as well as innumerable personal genealogical web sites.

Good luck in your search!