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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I go about finding someone by name and birthdate?


How do I go about finding someone by name and birthdate?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: you are ahead of the game by knowing the birthdate if you are talking about someone still alive. if you also know the field that they work in, thats good too. for instance, if they need to live in a warm enviornment for the type of work they do, cal. or florida might just be them. if you do hit on a name at or that matches, find the county or the city where that person is listed. go to that counties website and look for links such as the county recorders links that show property records, tax records, maybe new spouses' name etc. you can use the process of elimanation to get a pretty good idea where that person might just be or is good if we are talking about a lost friend, then they can contact you if they want to.