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Position:Home>Dancing> What is homecoming??????

Question: What is homecoming!?!?!?!?!?!?
I live in canada, and I'm pretty sure we don't have homecoming, can someone explain to me what it is!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Homecoming, whether for a school or church, is a day or night event for the former church members/students to come for a visit!.
Former students/alumni have an open invitation to attend a certain football game, which is set aside each year for that purpose!.
Some schools choose a homecoming king & queen or male and female homecoming sponsors, by either of the student body (based on popularity) or by the teachers (based on academic achievements), who are presented during half-time!.
Many schools also have a homecoming court, made up of the runners-ups for king & queen!. This type of homecoming usually involves formal wear, where as sponsors dress in their "Sunday Best"!.
There's usually a semi-formal or formal dance after the football game!.
Church homecomings, usually, take place on a Sunday!. Everybody will be asked to bring a covered-dish, to be shared after the Sunday morning service!. Former pastors are asked to be guest speakers at the morning service and the choir will have special songs for that day!.
Some churches have music throughout the afternoon and some even have activities for the congregation, including the children!.
Everybody stays at the church until time for the evening service!.
When I was younger, our church had "dinner on the ground" for Homecoming Sunday!. Each family chose a spot on the church grounds by spreading out a large blanket!. We sat on the banket while we ate picnic style!.
We played outdoor games, the ladies took care of the food & the babies and toddlers, while the men played horse shoes or held a deacons meeting!.
Regarless of what anyone was doing, someone would start singing a hymn and others would join in!.
The evening service was always devoted to baptisms and dedicating babies, one year or less, to the church!.

Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a homecoming is a dance that is usually held at school its formal and there is dancing and usually food its super fun!.there is usually a homecoming football game that goes with it the dance is usually on a saturday and the game is the day beforeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Apparently, it's a welcoming back of former residents and alumni!. Details in the source link!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kira, you are >!.< didn't I explain to you already, every high school have homecoming INCLUDING US HERE IN CANADA>!.<Www@QuestionHome@Com

it like a school dance and u go with dates be all formal and slow dances it awsome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com