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Position:Home>Dancing> Is it true that ballet is only for persons until 11 years old?

Question: Is it true that ballet is only for persons until 11 years old!?
I've heard that you cannot enter or learn ballet anymore if you are older than 11 years old because your bones are already stiff and hard!.
How true is that!?
Thank u so much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
of course not! you can do ballet at any age!. it will be EASIER to start ballet at a younget age because you can gain flexibility easier when your young, and you have more time to train, but you can still start ballet at any age!. theres this one woman at my dance studio who sometimes takes class with us, she's like 50, she started when she was like 45, she couldnt take it when she was a kid, but it was always something she wanted to do, and she takes it now!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

My teacher and I were just talking about this today!.!.!.

If you want to go professional, it's recommended that you start young, but if you're doing it just for your own enjoyment!.!. a workout!.!.whatever!.!. then you can do it at ANY age!.

I'm 21 and I still dance! I've been doing it since I was 3 and plan to keep going until the day I die!. My teacher worked with the NYC Ballet for 10 years and now she is 38 years, still dancing!. She admits that she doesn't dance as well as she did when she was 20 but she is still amazing!.

The owner of the studio I work at is a 60 year old woman!. She still dances every year in the recital! Still teaches 3 classes a week - one ballet, one jazz and one tap, all to the older women that want to dance!. And each year at the recital!? I'm beyond impressed by these ladies! They don't just dance well for 60 to 90 year old women, they dance well for anyone!

You can absolutely do ballet at any age - infact,
I work in a dance store, and just a few weeks ago, I sold a pair of ballet flats to a 63 year old woman!. Her first pair, her first time dancing ever!

The thing is - with dancing later in life, you want to make sure your expectations of yourself are reasonable!. Even as an experienced dancer, I go into each class saying "Today I am going to get this step down!.!.!." and just focus on that one thing!. I've been dancing for 18 years but I still find that is the best thing for ANYONE to do!.!.!.

if you walk in and expect to walk out looking like a professional - even if you are a professional - you are bound to disappoint yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is completely untrue!. You can learn ballet at ANY age, and it doesn't affect your bones UNLESS your en pointe!. I think you may be talking about being en pointe, because if you go on too young the bones in your feet won't grow properly!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not true at all!. That may be the policy of a specific school but you can learn Ballet whenever you want!. Find a different school or teacher!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, of course not!. It will just take a little more time than people that have already started!. 11 is actually a good time to start taking it seriously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not at all, your bones harden as you get older but that shouldn't have anything to do with ballet!. Ballet does not soften your bones anyway, or require them to be soft!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i took ballet at 19 yrsold and tap dance, left for a few came back to do it all over with ballroom at 23 so forget what you heard girl !.!.!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com