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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Why are there so many dumb, non-philosophical questions in philosophy?


Why are there so many dumb, non-philosophical questions in philosophy?

Is this a dumping ground or something? All these lovelorn questions that mean nothing, but self indulgence, and now THIS: "Have you ever.............? ate [sic] human waste and liked it?"
Help, please, maybe my imagination fails me, and philosophy is the right place for the sorrows of the lost in love and the eating habits of feces and urine-eaters.
Or how about general questions like would you rather be a toad or a frog? Uh.... Huh?
Love questions, like uh, who would you kiss, if you were a tree, or something?
I'm sincere. I would like help to understand this. What is it about the word, "philosophy" that attracts such stuff?

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2 weeks ago
For example, just the three I mentioned, have categories like, "Food and Drink," "Jokes and Riddles," and "Dating." There are so many appropriate categories here, a zillion!

2 weeks ago
Perhaps I'm not being clear. What does the word "philosophy" mean to people? I think therein lies the rub. I think that the word, philosophy, throws people off, has become so general, so that this category is used for anything and everything in which the questioner wants people to THINK. No?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 weeks ago
For example, just the three I mentioned, have categories like, "Food and Drink," "Jokes and Riddles," and "Dating." There are so many appropriate categories here, a zillion!