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Harry potter 7???

ok ok, jk said that at least to more main or important characters are going to die...who do you think it will be??? And i know this sounds kinda of evil, but if one of the trio dies i want them all to die, so they can stay together....if harry dies =,( then Ron and Hermione would be left and apparently they are going to be together, but without Harry =(
Harry's the reason they're all together in the first place, If Ron dies, then the Hero and Heroine are left, but i love ron and he's been through so much for harry and hermione, and i sure hope hermione doesn't die!!! She's my favorite character!!!
i guess we will have to wait until the book comes out, but who do you think will die?

(we all know Voldy has to die!)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think that Harry will die, because harry is partly a Horcux, Remember Harry asked Dumbaldor why he speaks tarsal tong, answer "V" transfer part of his power (part of him) to Harry (unwillingly) but just the same I think Vody and Harry will die.